
Click on this link for further information and acting showreel:

Click below for a current presenting showreel:

VOICE OVER agents – Babble Voices. 47 Dean Street. London. W1D 5BE
020 7434 0002
Click on this link for further information and voice-reel:
LINKS to some random Mathew Bose related stuff!
LINKS that interest me: (and check out my Twitter follows to find lovely and talented and amazing people to adore…!)
BLOGS follow and get excited about (mostly food…quelle surprise!)

7 thoughts on “Contact/Links”

  1. bonjour

    Je souhaiterais savoir s’ il serait
    possible d’avoir une photo autographiée Mathew Bose

    étant fan

    cela me ferait un très grand plaisir
    merci d’avance pour votre réponse.

    mon adresse :

    champion romuald

    10310 BAYEL “france”

  2. Hi Rajat/Matthew,

    Happy Birthday!!!!
    I bumped into you on Twitter thru the TAE21 post today and that led me to this lovely eclectic site. As I fell down the rabbit-hole of all the blogs, I loved the way you wrote. It was quite similar to my own style, with lots of asides and meandering, so I felt very much at home.

    I am living in North Carolina (US) so I didn’t know anything about you or your acting career. But I was initially sorry to hear that the pandemic has led you to the world of asset finance, (you seem like you enjoy your artistic and acting pursuits) but many folks are moving in different directions as a result of their quarantine introversion time, where they had a chance to disconnect from what they were involved with before, take a deep breath and decide if that really was where they needed to be / where they would be happy to be. Other folks are just in survival mode on many levels. I hope this was a choice happily taken out of curiosity.

    In any case, it was a pleasure meeting you (as much as one can through a website), and I sincerely hope your birthday was most excellent and well celebrated.

    Wishing you much wonderfulness,

    1. Hello Anne, so sorry for the delay in response I’ve had some issues with the website so hopefully this will reach you! Isn’t TAE wonderful for meeting new people and usually means we all have a built in fundamental similarity of artistic interest! I’m going to be helping to run the next exhibition here in the UK in my home town of York. I’m looking forward to it.

      Finance is just another string to the bow in these uncertain times. I always keep something ticking along on the background. I have a small holding too so between these and the acting gigs usually bills get paid and life trundles on. It’s a relaxed and calm combination and the variety means I’m not reliant on anything or anyone particularly leaving me free to cook and draw and planting trees!

      Hope all is well with you and apologies again for late response. I hope this reaches you. I’ll try to find you on twitter and then double check!

      Thanks for your message and all the very best to you. RMB

  3. Hi. I’m Lucie, a York portraitist with Multiple Sclerosis. I’m on Sky Arts Portrait Artist of the Year 2022. I’m painting portraits of contemporary Yorkshire folk to auction off for a local charity. I thought of you as a sitter. Interested? 1 hour to take photos is all I need. Get me on 0793 4406227 or my email. Check out my work on Facebook or Instagram (Lucie Wake). Hope to speak soon. Thanks. Lucie

  4. Hi Rajat/Matthew

    I’m a friend of Mark Evans from the Manchester days and trying to contact him. I think you were mates then and was wondering if you’re still in touch. Andy

  5. Hello Rajat,
    We were at school together – lost touch once you went to L.A. I live abroad now, by the beach. Married with two girls.
    You were a great friend for that time of our lives; generous, kind and good fun. I still have the Japan mix tape you made me.
    Take care,

    1. Hello Mary – ah lovely – living by the sea. Perfect. I’m on a farm in Yorkshire these days. SO very different from those Haywards Heath and L.A days.I have great and fond memories of those days at college too. I still listen to Japan! I always think of you when ‘My New Career’ comes on as it was a favourite of yours at the time. Memories! Thanks very much for messaging and I hope life is great!

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